Erik Kristoffer Arnesen1, Jacob Juel Christensen1,2, Rikke Andersen3, Hanna Eneroth4, Maijaliisa Erkkola5, Anne Høyer6, Eva Warensjö Lemming4, Helle Margrete Meltzer7, Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson8, Inga Þórsdóttir8, Ursula Schwab9, Ellen Trolle3 and Rune Blomhoff1,6,10*
1Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; 2Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 3National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 4The Swedish Food Agency, Uppsala, Sweden; 5Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 6The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Oslo, Norway; 7Department of Environmental Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway; 8School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland; 9Department of Medicine, Endocrinology and Clinical Nutrition, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland, and Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Campus, Kuopio, Finland; 10Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Background: Systematic reviews (SRs) constitute a major part of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNRs). The step-by-step procedure used to develop SRs has evolved considerably over time and is often tailored to fit the exposure and outcomes in focus.
Objective: To describe a detailed procedure for developing qualified SRs commissioned by the NNR2022 project.
Design: Scrutinizing procedures of recent SRs commissioned by leading national food and health authorities or international food and health organizations.
Results: The following eight steps must be included when developing qualified SRs for the NNR2022 project: 1) define research question, 2) protocol development, 3) literature search, 4) screening and selection of studies, 5) data extraction, 6) assessing risk of bias, 7) synthesis and grading of total strength of evidence, and 8) reporting according to certain standards.
Discussion: This guide is based on the guidelines developed for the fifth edition of NNR but includes some important new domains in order to adhere to more recent, authoritative standards.
Conclusion: All qualified SRs in the NNR2022 project will follow the protocol described here.
Keywords: dietary reference values; food-based dietary guidelines; systematic reviews; national food and health authorities; evidence-based nutrition; nutrient recommendations; Nordic and Baltic countries
Citation: Food & Nutrition Research 2020, 64: 4404 -
Copyright: © 2020 Erik Kristoffer Arnesen et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
Received: 11 February 2020; Revised: 18 April 2020; Accepted: 18 April 2020: Published: 18 June 2020
Competing interests and funding: See sections on “Conflicts of interest” and “Sponsors of the NNR2022 project” in the main text of the companion article (1).
*Rune Blomhoff, Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. Email:
This article is the third of a three-part series for the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2022 (NNR2022):
Together, these documents constitute a comprehensive and precise framework for how NNR will be updated. This article is a guide on how to conduct systematic reviews (SRs). The first paper describes the principles and methods used for developing the sixth edition of the NNR (NNR2022). The second paper, a priori, discusses and describes the structure and rationale for the SR methodology used in the NNR2022 project.
The NNR-SR Centre will follow established, state-of-the-art criteria for evaluating the methodological quality of the included studies and the overall strength of the scientific evidence (Fig. 1). Transparency wil l be ensured through detailed documentation of the decision-making process. All SRs will be evaluated by external reviewers. Also, a scientific reference group will be assigned to the project and will be consulted for general overview and on specific matters.
Fig. 1. The individual steps involved when conducting SRs in NNR2022 project.
This handbook is based on a corresponding guide developed for NNR2012 (3) but includes some important new domains in order to adhere to more recent, authoritative standards, as detailed in the companion paper on SRs (2).
It is important to identify the most important research questions, to pose questions that are possible to answer, and to define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies. To enable a focused literature search, the research questions should be formulated so that they can be answered with data from observational or experimental human studies. In some cases, animal studies and cellular and molecular studies may also be relevant. Here, it is useful to develop an analytical framework, for example, visual maps outlining relationships within the target population with respect to exposures, modifying factors, biological effects of a nutrient/food component, and outcomes of interest. The framework will facilitate the identification and definition of appropriate research questions (4).
The Population, Intervention (or exposure), Comparator, outcome(s) (PICO) approach is commonly used to formulate research questions related to the causal effect of an exposure on a health outcome (Box 1). The following components should be defined for all the research questions: population/participants, intervention/exposure, control, outcome, time frame, study design, and settings ( PI/ECOTSS).
Box 1. Components of the research question. Example from an intervention study
Population/participants | Intervention/exposure | Control/comparison | Outcome | Time frame | Setting | Study design |
Description of the study population, e.g.
Definition and description of the methods
Definition and description of the method for controls
Outcome measures related to the individual, such as survival, quality of life, illness or change in symptoms, well-established risk factors and markers. Also, complications or side-effects of the intervention should be considered. | Duration of intervention and/or follow-up | Background context, co-interventions, healthcare etc. | Randomized controlled trial |
Example for an interventional study | ||||||
Healthy adults | Altered dietary macronutrient composition | Usual dietary macronutrient composition | Body weight Body fat Waist circumference |
≥1 year | Free-living | Randomized controlled trials |
The example PI/ECOTTS shown in Box 1 could be ‘translated’ into a research question (adapted from Ref (5): ‘what is the effect of different dietary macronutrient composition on long-term (≥1 year) change in weight/body fat in a healthy, adult population?’
Dietary modifications may involve one or several components of the diet. However, it should be clearly defined which components are being studied, and how (methodology).
Before conducting the SR, a protocol must be developed. All protocols for the NNR SRs will be registered in advance in the PROSPERO database ( The protocol should specify the following (6–10):
Planning the search strategy (Box 2) and performing the search will require the involvement of the research librarian and/or other information specialists with experience in SRs. It is also advisable that the search strategy is evaluated by an independent expert/research librarian before the final search is performed.
Box 2. Key standards for literature search
A comprehensive, systematic, and sensitive literature search is a fundamental and critical domain of systematic reviews. Search strategies for each research question will be planned and included in the protocol (see above), including:
In general, terms related to study design should not limit the search, as they (especially non-randomized study designs) may not be reliably or consistently indexed in the databases (13, 14). However, if limitations on study design are necessary and justified, the highly sensitive, validated search filter by Cochrane is recommended for identifying randomized trials, which in PubMed consists of the following:
Validated search filters are also available from SIGN (15), which may be considered (if used, these must be reported), for example, for observational studies in MEDLINE:
Articles indexed as ‘letters’, ‘letter to the editor’, or ‘research letters’ should also be included since these may contain relevant data or reports from individual studies. Any other prespecified restrictions regarding publication type must be justified.
The purpose of the search strategy is to find the best and most relevant evidence available. Finding all evidence is impossible, but the searches should be highly sensitive, which implies that precision will be reduced. The search syntax should include both indexing terms (‘subject headings’, e.g., MeSH terms in MEDLINE) and free text terms. All synonyms and spelling variants should be included, and appropriate Boolean operators and truncations are to be used. It is important to have a list of known key publications that should be identified in the search, to check whether the search strategy is sensitive enough (11).
To construct an effective set of search terms, the research question should be divided into components according to the PI/ECOTSS approach (population/participants, intervention/exposure, control, outcome, time frame, setting, and study design). However, all of the PI/ECOTSS elements are not necessary to include in the search, as including all these will reduce sensitivity, and they may not be adequately indexed in the databases. The search should not restrict outcomes and should not include any language restrictions. Only studies in English, Nordic or Baltic languages will, however, be considered.
MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library are the main information sources in the field of nutrition and medicine. Other databases and online hosts, such as Web of Science, or subject-specific databases, may be considered. At least two databases must be searched, and these should always include MEDLINE and Cochrane’s CENTRAL database.
Another source that should be searched is the reference lists of the already retrieved articles. A forward citation search (or citation tracking) from included studies, in citation indexes such as Web of Science, Scopus, or Google Scholar, should also be performed. This will identify potentially highly relevant new papers citing the references retrieved from the initial search and included in the review (12).
Searching for ‘grey literature’ (e.g. non-peer-reviewed scientific papers outside of the mentioned databases such as conference abstracts, theses, and clinical trial registries) is not mandatory. These sources may identify publication or selective reporting bias, but the methodological quality may be uncertain (13–15). Study authors or study sponsors may be contacted to clarify uncertainties about eligibility, outcomes, or other unpublished data; these should be referred to in the report.
Study types that may be included in the systematic literature reviews are randomized and non-randomized controlled intervention studies and prospective and retrospective cohort studies. This includes studies assessing disease outcomes, net losses of nutrients, nutrient balances, factorial calculations, etc. Multifactorial intervention studies including diet and physical activity will also be considered. Retrospective case-control studies, where the measure of exposure occurred after or concurrent with the outcome, will only be used when results from other study types are not available. Cross-sectional studies will be used for describing prevalence, and animal studies will only be used to describe mechanisms.
The search results will be imported to a reference managing program (e.g. EndNote), where duplicate records are removed, before importing the list of studies into software for screening, such as Rayyan (see below), for the screening of titles and abstracts.
The search strategy used, and bibliographic databases searched, will be clearly documented. This makes it possible for others to reproduce the SRs, allows comparison across reviewers, and serves as a foundation for an efficient updating of the systematic review as new findings emerge. The full search strategies for each database will need to be included in the review. The search strategies must be copied and pasted, not re-typed, exactly as run and reported in full, together with the search set numbers and the number of records retrieved. The number of unique records retrieved will also be reported in the results section of the review under the heading ‘Results of the search’ in a flow diagram.
The final search should be performed no later than 12 months before the review is published. The exact date for this should be reported in the SR report’s methods chapter.
Articles retrieved from the search, after duplicates are removed, will be evaluated for relevance and suitability for inclusion in the review by assessing the study characteristics in relation to the research question(s). The selection of papers has two phases: first, a screening of records’ titles and abstracts to exclude obviously irrelevant papers, and second and subsequently, a full text reading of the potentially relevant papers (Box 3).
Box 3. Key standards for screening and selection of studies
The inclusion or exclusion of studies should not be affected by the reviewers’ knowledge of the study results, should be reproducible, and should be independently undertaken by pairs of experts. Studies will therefore be included or excluded according to the prespecified (in the protocol), unambiguous eligibility criteria outlined by the NNR2022 Committee in collaboration with the NNR-SR Center.
The PI/ECOTSS components define much of the eligibility criteria for selecting the studies. Additional criteria may include dose levels (plausibility at dietary level), minimum number of subjects per study arm, background diets, baseline nutritional status, minimum study period, and statistical analysis (Box 4).
Box 4. Examples of aspects that may be considered when defining eligibility criteria
Examples of aspects that may be considered when defining eligibility criteria (must be justified and predefined in the protocol):
It is important that the eligibility criteria do not introduce bias. They should be guided by the analytic framework, taking potential effect modification into account. If studies are excluded based on lack of outcome data, it should be ensured that the outcome was not measured in the study, or simply not reported. Any changes of the eligibility criteria post hoc must be reported in the review.
The primary target population for NNR2022 is defined as the general healthy population. This means that studies focusing only on treatment of patients with overt diseases should generally be excluded. Studies involving subjects with increased metabolic risks or pre-disease states, for example, with established risk factors, will be considered. Studies including both healthy populations and people with elevated risk of chronic disease or established chronic disease, including obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension, may also be included if deemed appropriate.
The minimum acceptable duration/follow-up time of the studies should be specified in the protocol. As a rule of thumb, intervention studies should be at least 4 weeks, but specific criteria should be defined depending on the type of outcome risk factor versus disease endpoint. Observational (prospective) studies should be at least for 6 months; longer periods may be required depending on dietary exposure and outcome. For all the study types, the intake ranges for nutrients and dietary sources should be relevant to the Nordic setting.
The screening of titles and abstracts may be guided by a checklist based on the PI/ECOTSS and the predefined eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria should be listed according to priority, and the eligibility assessments follow this order, for increased efficiency. For instance, when the most important exclusion criterion is identified first, the other criteria do not need to be assessed. In this phase, the screeners should be ‘overinclusive’. RoB is not an exclusion criterion as it will be assessed in a later step.
The eligibility criteria should be pre-tested on the first 10% of titles/abstracts. Inter-rater agreement may be calculated; a kappa statistic (k) between 0.4 and 0.59 is considered fair, a value of between 0.6 and 0.74 is considered good, and a value of >0.75 is considered an excellent agreement (16) (see, e.g., Cochrane Handbook at for calculations). Note that this should only be done in the pilot testing phase to identify problems or misunderstandings, and not be used as a standard, as the statistic does not say anything about the effect of disagreements on the results. Discrepancies, that is, k < 0.6, will be assessed and used to clarify or refine eligibility criteria and/or research question, if relevant, together with the NNR2022 Committee and the NNR-SR Center. In the formal screening process, discrepancies will be resolved by consensus. The screening should be reliable and comprehensive, but the aim is not perfect agreement.
Both selection phases are carried out by at least two independent members of the review team to minimize subjectivity and random errors. If at least one of the assessors votes for inclusion, the paper will pass to full-text screening. When both members vote for exclusion, it will be excluded without further discussion. The protocol should specify how discrepancies between reviewers in the full-text screening phase will be resolved; in general, it is done by a discussion with a third (senior) team member or the whole team until consensus is reached. If necessary, correspondence with the primary research authors should be attempted to clarify the study eligibility or lack of important data. The free of charge web service Rayyan is recommended for managing the screening of titles and abstracts (17).
The decisions must be documented and noted in a flow diagram, specifying the number of papers/studies assessed and remaining at each step in the process, and the number of excluded papers (see the Preferred Reporting Items for SRs and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA) and the PRISMA Flow Diagram Generator) (18, 19). Papers excluded after full-text reading will be listed in a separate table, including at least one reason for exclusion. If any full-text paper is impossible to obtain, this should also be noted as a reason for exclusion.
Individual studies are often reported in multiple publications, for example, with different endpoints or follow-up times. On the other hand, the unit of interest in the SR is the overall study, and not the specific paper. It is important that multiple publications from the same studies are linked together and not double-counted. Some papers may also report multiple studies, which should be counted accordingly. Identifying duplicate articles based on the same study is not always straightforward, but some helpful hints are (16):
The search and selection processes must be documented as they proceed. Studies excluded after full-text reading must also be reported in separate tables, though not obviously ineligible studies excluded from the initial screening. The reasons for exclusion of each potentially relevant study must be stated explicitly.
The prespecified data will be collected into pre-made extraction forms that will be used later in the analyses (Box 5). The extraction forms should be pilot tested.
Box 5. Key standards for data extraction
The tables will give the reader the possibility to judge the reliability of the conclusions and should include information on the source reference, research question, methods, study design, implementation, results, and methodological quality. The exact forms will vary from review to review, but there will be many similarities. The PI/ECOTSS should be described in detail in ‘evidence tables’ and can easily be adapted for the specific review. An evidence table is a comprehensive compilation of a priori defined data elements extracted from the primary studies that are judged to be important in the interpretation of the evidence. Table 1 gives an example on evidence table headings providing some of the main relevant data elements.
Reference details First author Year Country |
Study design (RCT, cohort, etc.) | Population, subject characteristics Inclusion/exclusion criteria Setting No. at baseline Male/Female Age Ethnicity of the subjects |
Outcome measures Disease, biological measures |
Intervention/exposure | Time between baseline exposure and outcome assessment | Dietary assessment method FFQ, food records Internal validation (y/n) (see separate table for more details) |
No of subjects analyzed | Intervention Intervention (I) (dose interval, duration) Control (C) (active, placebo, usual care, etc.) Compliance, achieved dietary change, adherence to dietary targets, actual dietary change |
Follow-up period, drop-out rate (from baseline to follow-up, or from end of intervention to follow-up) Drop out (%) |
Results Results (I, C) (Absolute difference, RR, OR, P-value, confidence interval, sensitivity, specificity, observer reliability, etc.) |
Confounders adjusted for | Study quality (risk of bias) | Comments |
For later quantitative syntheses, the most detailed numerical data should be collected. In multi-component trials, only the groups fulfilling the eligibility criteria should be included in the data extraction tables. It is recommended to seek out non-reported data from the investigators.
The following study characteristics (Table 2) should also be considered, if relevant for the research question (adapted from the Cochrane Handbook (16)).
Outcome data should be extracted in the format as reported. Sample size should be collected for each end point data and for the overall study.
Food/nutrient/supplement intake information might include intake/dose, source of nutrient, mode of administration (supplement/foods), and nutritional status. Additional types of information that are relevant include level of nutrient in the background diet, methods used to estimate intake, analytical methods used to assess nutrient status, and whether a nutrient biomarker or other approach was used to validate the dietary data. Also, it is essential to document the food composition database used, and the algorithms used for estimation of content of nutrients in foods (Table 3).
SI | Author Year Study Name | Exposure | Dietary assessment method | Food composition database definition of relevant nutrient | Internal calibration (or validity) of dietary assessment? (y/n). If yes, provide data | Biomarker Assay | Analytical validity of biomarker data reported? (y/n). If yes, provide data | Time between biomarker sampling and analysis | Season/Date when biomarker samples were drawn | Background exposure data |
Clearly define foods, food groups, nutrients or other food components. When using dietary patterns or indices, describe the methods to obtain them. Specify if nutrient intakes are reported with or without inclusion of dietary supplement intake, if applicable | Refer to the name indicated in methods and specify the reference time (number of days recorded) and portion size estimation, if applicable. Report if and how supplement intake was assessed. | Indicate the full source of food composition database used to calculate dietary intakes (diet and supplements). Describe the use of conversion factors (weight yield and retention), if applicable. | Reference the validation study of the dietary or nutritional assessment method, including the reference method(s) used. The measures of validity should be reported (e.g. mean difference, correlation coefficient, classification agreement and limits of agreement). | Give the distribution of participant characteristics across the exposure variables. Provide an estimate for variation. Specify if food consumption of total population or consumers only were used to obtain results. Describe intake modeling (e.g. calculations of usual intake distributions) and use of weighting factors, if applicable. | ||||||
*Write ‘nd’ if there was no data reported. Please do not leave blank. |
The quality of the individual study will be appraised as internal validity, that is, how the study itself was performed and how this may have affected the results (Box 6). Internal validity refers to whether the study ‘correctly’ answers the research question (11, 20), that is, whether we can believe in the results. This is best done by assessing the RoB. The Cochrane collaboration defines bias as ‘systematic error, or deviations from the truth, in results or interpretation’, which leads to over- or underestimating the true intervention effect (20). As biased studies taken at face value will lead to misleading reviews, this is an integral aspect to consider. This should not be confused with lack of precision, which leads to random errors that can cancel out each other with sufficient replication.
Box 6. Key standards for assessing risk of bias
The assessment of RoB of individual studies is integrated with the later assessment of the total evidence (the strength of evidence).
The primary domains of bias are usually referred to as selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias, reporting bias, and other biases (16, 21–23) (Table 4). It should be acknowledged that the same type of bias may underestimate the effect in one study and overestimate the effect in another study (20), and it may affect the estimate for one outcome but not another within the same study. Different types of biases may in theory even balance each other when it comes to the effect estimate if they work in opposite directions, but this is difficult to confirm (23).
Main type of bias | Explanation | Issues |
Selection bias – Bias arising from the randomization process | Assignment to intervention group is influenced by prognostic factors, leading to systematic differences in background characteristics between the groups being compared (i.e. confounding). Randomized, concealed allocation to groups uniquely limits selection bias. | |
Performance bias – Bias due to deviations from intended interventions | Non-protocol interventions given, failure to implement the protocol, or non-adherence to the intervention by participants, due to awareness of intervention assignment. |
Detection bias – Bias in measurement of the outcome | Measurement error or misclassification of outcomes. Causes bias if different between the groups. |
Attrition bias – Bias due to missing outcome data | Systematic differences in attrition or length of follow-up of participants between groups, leading to incomplete outcome data. |
Reporting bias – Bias in selection of the reported result | Systematic differences in what outcome measurement or analysis is reported and not. |
*Not applicable to observational studies **Applicable to observational studies |
Although there is no general, empirically based standard for what degree of attrition/loss to follow-up is considered as low or high RoB, less than 20% dropouts from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and above 50% participation rates in cohort studies may indicate low RoB in this domain. Significant differences (>20%) in dropout rates between intervention arms in RCTs conversely indicate high RoB. If one group has a higher dropout, and hence more missing outcome data, the estimated benefit of the intervention may be exaggerated if the attrition was due to the intervention.
The length of follow-up is more related to indirectness or applicability, which will be evaluated in the grading of the evidence, rather than a source of bias per se. Sample size is about power (e.g. if there is not enough power, the effects can be missed). Also, the sample size is not a source of bias but is related to precision.
Note that conflicts of interest or industry sponsoring of a study are not listed as criteria for bias as such, but the presence should be noted, and their possible influence on the RoB (especially selective endpoint reporting) should be considered (20, 23).
Bias assessments are often more complicated with non-randomized studies, such as prospective cohort studies. However, selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias, and reporting bias should be assessed (13). Especially, the potential for selection bias is likely higher in most non-randomized studies such that the exposed and non-exposed groups are imbalanced when it comes to prognostic factors, leading to confounding (13, 24). Strictly speaking, confounding is not the same as bias, but it refers to internal validity, and it is important that these confounding factors (which should be listed in the protocol) are identified and to assess how they were managed. Note that controlling for variables that are intermediates in the causal pathway may bias the effect toward the null.
Thus, for non-randomized studies, confounding, selection bias, and misclassification bias due to methods used to ascertain exposure (i.e. dietary intake) and outcomes must also be assessed. In nutrition, the issue of exposure assessment is especially important to consider when deriving recommendations based on intake-response associations (25–27).
For randomized controlled trials, the RoB assessments are based on Cochrane’s ‘Risk of bias 2.0’ tool (20). The domains, and the criteria for judging low or high risk, are explained in the Appendix of the paper (20). Response options are Yes/Probably yes’, ‘No/Probably no’, or ‘No information’ (RoB 2.0 template: A study may have low, some, or high risk for bias within each domain. The overall RoB per study is also judged as low, high, or unclear. Quotes from the paper or other sources of evidence for the judgment are put in tables. While NNR2012 used a three-category quality grading system (A, B, and C) similar to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), SRs in NNR2022 classify the RoB in each outcome in each individual study into low, high, or ‘some concerns’ (21).
It should be acknowledged that a ‘low’ RoB judgment does not ensure that the study is totally free from bias, but that the risk is not so serious that it has any appreciable bearing on the results or conclusions. For instance, blinding is usually not possible in food-based dietary intervention, but this may not always imply a high RoB as long as it would not have influenced the outcome. Hence, the judgment of a study’s RoB as low, high, or unclear also depends on to what extent it is likely to affect the results.
For non-randomized trials, the assessment tool is based on the recent Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) instrument (21, 23). For observational studies (prospective cohort studies, case-cohort studies, or case-control studies), we will use the recently developed ‘Risk of Bias for Nutrition Observational Studies’ (RoB-NObS) tool developed by the US Department of Agricultur (USDA’s) Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review (NESR) team (28).
Although the interpretation and evaluation of RoB will involve some inevitable degree of personal judgment, a minimum of two independent reviewers will assess the RoB for at least one specific key endpoint within each study. If the two reviewers cannot resolve disagreements, a third reviewer will be involved. The assessment method should first be pilot tested with a handful of references to ensure mutual comprehension of the RoB criteria and questions.
RoB tables and plots (see Fig. 2) must be presented in the final systematic review reports together with other study characteristics. Finally, an overall RoB for each main outcome across studies is reached to be included in the assessment of the strength of evidence. The RoB assessments will be used in the grading of the overall evidence. The study-level RoB will also be used to explore sources of between-study heterogeneity.
Fig. 2. Example of a risk of bias graph figure, showing the proportion of studies with low, unclear, or high risk of bias. Reprinted from the Cochrane Handbook (20).
The evidence will always be synthesized qualitatively, in which the characteristics and context of the included studies, their strengths and limitations, heterogeneity (in study characteristics and results), and relevance, are reviewed and described (Box 7). The SR may also include a quantitative analysis, that is, a meta-analysis (see below), which should have been planned at the protocol stage. The meta-analysis results should be interpreted in light of the quality assessments.
Box 7. Key standards for synthesis and grading of evidence
The main results should be tabulated or listed in summary tables. A summary table is a distillation and synthesis of information from evidence tables. It is used to present study characteristics and results to support the interpretation of the evidence addressing a specific research question.
All the relevant outcome variables should be reported separately (e.g. morbidity, mortality, and biological effects). The outcome variables should include not only the positive effects but also possible negative effects (like elevated risk, side effects, and complications) and be presented separately in the summary table. The outcome variables should be tabulated hierarchically, with the more important variables presented before the less important ones. In some cases, also outcome variables with less relevance can be included but should be presented at the end of the summary table. Markers of study quality should be included.
Table 5 is an example of a summary table. There are a number of ways in which studies could be grouped for presentation. Grouping could be done according to the study design or other major factors that may influence the results. Forest plots of results can be used to illustrate the results of individual studies.
In qualitative syntheses, it is not appropriate to simply tally or count the number of studies with positive and negative associations, or ‘significant’ results, as this does not account for, for example, lack of power or bias (29, 30). A ‘non-significant’ result in a study is also not evidence for no association/effect.
Meta-analysis uses statistical methods to combine multiple studies addressing the same research question. It is often part of a systematic review and can identify significant results when individual studies are inadequately powered. Most meta-analyses combine weighted results across studies in order to arrive at an overall estimate. Effect estimates are typically expressed as absolute differences (risk difference), relative risk (risk ratio), or odds ratio for dichotomous outcomes (actually, the logarithmic RR and OR), or as weighted or standardized mean differences for continuous outcomes. Potential advantages of meta-analyses include an increase in power, an improvement in precision, the ability to answer questions not posed by individual studies, and the opportunity to settle controversies arising from conflicting claims. Still, the most important goal of a meta-analysis is actually to identify heterogeneity and patterns in the study results, rather than an average effect (29).
Forests plots can be used to illustrate estimates and confidence intervals for both individual studies and meta-analyses. Each study is represented by a block at the point estimate of intervention effect, with a horizontal line extending either side of the block. The area of the block indicates the weight assigned to that study in the meta-analysis, while the horizontal line depicts the confidence interval (usually with a 95% level of confidence). The area of the block and the confidence interval convey similar information, but both make different contributions to the graphic. The confidence interval depicts the range of intervention effects compatible with the study’s result and indicates whether each was individually statistically significant. The size of the block illustrates studies with larger weight (usually those with narrower confidence intervals), which dominate the calculation of the pooled result.
A technical statistical guidance for conducting meta-analyses is outside the scope of this handbook, and the review team (including statisticians) are referred to the most recent recommendations from AHRQ (31) and the Cochrane Handbook (30) in addition to textbooks.
Besides statistical measures, the diversity, sensitivity, and RoB in the evidence base must be considered before attempting to find a pooled effect (11). Pooling results from several studies with high RoB will give a correspondingly biased estimate even if the heterogeneity is low – ‘two wrongs do not make one right’.
Meta-analyses may therefore be conducted if it is considered appropriate to combine/pool the different studies. This cannot be objectively measured, but requires a judgment of clinical, methodological, and statistical heterogeneity (31). Sources of clinical heterogeneity include interventions/exposures, comparators, and participants, while methodological aspects include study design, type of outcome, and follow-up time. Both lead to statistical heterogeneity, that is, inconsistent directions or magnitudes of effects. If the included studies are so dissimilar in these aspects that an average effect will not be meaningful, then they should not be pooled and instead be reported with their individual results in tables and/or forest plots.
Other reasons not to pool study results include the existence of one or a few large studies that may be considered ‘best evidence’; wide-ranging effect estimates that indicate both beneficial and unwanted effects; suspicion of publication bias, and small-studies effects (see AHRQ’s guidance for further details (31)). Moreover, there should be caution about pooling only a small number of studies (e.g. less than 10 trials) and small sample sizes as the evidence may be underpowered, especially for rare outcomes such as total mortality in trials. In World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), meta-analyses are only conducted when more than three independent RCTs of five cohort studies exist. The statistical heterogeneity may be underestimated when less than 5–7 studies are pooled (31).
Heterogeneity is especially important in syntheses and meta-analyses of non-RCTs because of many different methodologies. Fully adjusted effect estimates, not crude results, should be combined from non-RCTs, if otherwise is not justified. Different adjustment models can also be a source of potential heterogeneity. It is possible to do additional sensitivity analyses including minimally adjusted estimates, for example, to assess impact of confounding. PICO elements and the RoB domains should be assessed as potential sources of heterogeneity. It is critical that the possible impact of RoB is considered in the interpretation of the results, preferably formally by meta-regression analyses or subgroup analyses including only studies with low RoB.
When data are available, meta-regression should be performed to explain discrepancies across studies and to explore variations of effects, such as linear and non-linear dose–response relationships, although this must be interpreted in light of the ecological fallacy when pooling aggregated data (29). If subgroup analyses are undertaken, they should be predefined, and caution should be taken in the interpretation of subgroup differences. Interventional studies and observational studies should be meta-analyzed and reported separately.
When the qualitative and/or quantitative syntheses have been performed, and before evidence-based recommendations can be developed, the overall strength of the evidence must be evaluated. The phrase ‘strength of evidence’ refers to the extent one can have confidence in that the effect estimate is correct. In general, this is affected by aspects of quality, quantity, and consistency in the body of evidence – specifically, the RoB, consistency/heterogeneity, and precision of the evidence are taken into consideration. Strength of associations, dose–response relationships, and supporting plausible evidence from experimental research are also important to assess when the evidence base includes observational research (32, 33). The grading is done per endpoint, but it is not necessary to grade the strength of evidence for every possible endpoint; only the most critical/relevant needs to be graded according to the purpose and the protocol.
Consistencies in relative effect estimates, both effect size and its direction, should be assessed, and potential reasons for inconsistency should be examined, even when a quantitative synthesis is not performed. Understanding between-study variations may have important implications for giving recommendations.
Precision is concerned with the degree of certainty or uncertainty; it is largely a question of study size (number of subjects and events) and the confidence intervals around the effect estimate and is an indicator of random error. Less precise results will lead to a lower strength-of-evidence rating.
The WCRF has developed a number of predefined criteria to grade the strength of evidence (Box 8) (33). These will be used in the de novo NNR2022 SRs.
Box 8. World Cancer Research Fund criteria
This box lists the criteria modified from World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) that have been connected to the three-category quality grading system developed by the AHQR (34). The grades shown here are ‘convincing’, ‘probable’, ‘limited – suggestive’, and ‘limited – no conclusion’. It is important to note that the grades ‘convincing’ and ‘probable’ are both considered as strong evidence.
Convincing (high)
These criteria are for evidence strong enough to support a judgment that there is a convincing causal relationship or absence of relationship. A convincing relationship, or absence of relationship, should be robust enough to be highly unlikely to be modified in the foreseeable future as new evidence accumulates. All of the following criteria are generally required:
Probable (moderate)
These criteria are for evidence strong enough to support a judgment of a probable causal relationship. All the following criteria are generally required:
Limited – suggestive (low)
These criteria are for evidence that is too limited to permit a probable or convincing causal, or absence of causal, relationship, but where there is evidence suggestive of a direction of effect. The evidence may have methodological flaws, or be limited in quantity, but shows a generally consistent direction of effect. All the following criteria are generally required:
Limited – no conclusion (insufficient)
Evidence is so limited that no firm conclusion can be made. A body of evidence for a particular exposure might be graded ‘limited – no conclusion’ for a number of reasons. The evidence might be limited by the amount of evidence in terms of the number of studies available, by inconsistency of direction of effect, by poor quality of studies (e.g. lack of adjustment for known confounders), or by any combination of these factors. Most of the studies have a high risk of bias or there are two or more low or moderate risk of bias (RoB) studies with contradicting or null results.
Substantial effect on risk unlikely (strong)
The evidence is strong enough to support a judgment that there is no substantial causal association between the exposure and outcome. This is unlikely to change in light of more studies in the near future.
All of the following are generally required:
Some factors may warrant an upgrading of the strength of evidence:
*This may also include Mendelian randomized studies when interpreting evidence from observational studies.
The structure of the final report must adhere to the PRISMA reporting standards and as a minimum cover the following domains:
See for further guidance.
The conclusions should summarize the evidence and should be clearly worded and based solely on the included evidence. They should also point out principal areas of uncertainty and areas where further research is required.