Is overnight fresh juice drinkable? The shelf life prediction of non-industrial fresh watermelon juice based on the nutritional quality, microbial safety quality, and sensory quality

  • Tingting Ma Northwest A&F University
  • Jiaqi Wang Northwest A&F University
  • Haoli Wang Northwest A&F University
  • Tian Lan Northwest A&F University
  • Ruihao Liu Northwest A&F University
  • Tian Gao Northwest A&F University
  • Wanyi Yang Northwest A&F University
  • Yuan Zhou Northwest A&F University
  • Qian Ge Northwest A&F University
  • Yulin Fang Northwest A&F University
  • Xiangyu Sun Northwest A&F University
Keywords: Quality assurance; Non-industrial fresh watermelon juice; Microbial safety quality; Nutritional quality; Sensory quality; Shelf life


Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain the time range of non-industrial fresh watermelon juice (FWJ), which is widely used in the catering industry under different storage conditions, with safe-drinkable quality, and the drinking time range of fresh juice with good nutritional quality and sensory quality.

Method: The quality of non-industrial FWJ was audited by assessing the shelf life of non-industrial FWJ through microbial safety, nutritional, and sensory quality investigating during 24 h of storage at 4, 25, and 37°C.

Results: According to the microbial safety quality, the safe drinking time of FWJ was within 12, 4, and 4 h when stored at 4, 25, and 37°C, respectively. Based on the nutritional and sensory quality, FWJ was drinking with good quality within 2 h, and with just acceptable quality for no more than 4 h when stored at 4 or 25°C. Electronic nose and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) could effectively distinguish and identify the changes in volatile components in FWJ under different storage conditions.

Conclusion: It is a feasible method to predict the shelf life of non-industrial FWJ by this method, and hence to guarantee non-industrial FWJ being drinking with safety and health, and it might be used in many other fresh juice shelf life predictions.


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How to Cite
Ma T., Wang J., Wang H., Lan T., Liu R., Gao T., Yang W., Zhou Y., Ge Q., Fang Y., & Sun X. (2020). Is overnight fresh juice drinkable? The shelf life prediction of non-industrial fresh watermelon juice based on the nutritional quality, microbial safety quality, and sensory quality. Food & Nutrition Research, 64.
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