Development of the Norwegian diet index and the Norwegian lifestyle index and evaluation in a national survey

  • Hege Berg Henriksen Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • Hedda Beate Berg Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • Lene Frost Andersen Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • Harald Weedon-Fekjær Oslo Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Research Support Services, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
  • Rune Blomhoff Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; and Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Keywords: diet index, lifestyle index, food-based dietary guidelines, national lifestyle recommendations, body weight, physical activity, alcohol, tobacco


Background: Dietary and lifestyle indices are composite tools that are used to estimate risk of health outcomes.

Objective: We aimed to develop a diet and a lifestyle index assessing adherence to the national guidelines in Norway, and to investigate adherence in a nationwide survey of healthy subjects (Norkost3).

Design: Cut-off values for the indices were based on the Norwegian food based dietary guidelines and national lifestyle guidelines. Adherence was evaluated in the Norkost3 (n = 1,787).

Results: Twelve dietary components were included in the diet index 1) fruit and berries, 2) vegetables, 3) whole grains, 4) unsalted nuts, 5) fish, 6) low-fat dairy products, 7) margarine/oils, 8) red meat, 9) processed meat, 10) foods rich in sugar and fat, 11) drinks with added sugar, and 12) dietary supplements. Each of the components was assigned a value of 0, 0.5 or 1 corresponding to low, intermediate and high adherence, except for plant-based foods, which were assigned a value of 0, 1.5 or 3, providing a composite diet index ranging from 0 to 20 points. The five components in the lifestyle index (i.e. diet, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, tobacco and alcohol) was assigned a value of 0, 0.5 or 1, giving a final score ranging from zero to five points. In Norkost3, 49% (95% CI: 47, 52) of the participants had low adherence to the diet component, whereas only 2% (95% CI: 2, 3) achieved high adherence, although most of the subjects had high educational level. High adherence to the recommendations of BMI, tobacco and alcohol intake was observed in 50% (95% CI: 47, 52), 72% (95% CI: 70, 74) and 68% (95% CI: 66, 70) of the participants, respectively. Due to the lack of data on physical activity, adherence to this component in the lifestyle index is not presented in this study.

Conclusion: The new diet and lifestyle indices assess adherence to the Norwegian food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) and other national lifestyle guidelines. In this study, half of the subjects had low diet and lifestyle index scores. There is a need to implement interventions to improve this by focusing on the specific lifestyle components with low adherence.


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How to Cite
Henriksen H. B., Berg H. B., Frost Andersen L., Weedon-Fekjær H., & Blomhoff R. (2023). Development of the Norwegian diet index and the Norwegian lifestyle index and evaluation in a national survey. Food & Nutrition Research, 67.
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