Added sugars and nutrient density in the diet of elderly Danish nursing home residents

  • Anne M Beck


Background: Nursing home residents may be offered food and drinks with a high content of added sugars to increase their energy intake. Objective: To analyse the influence of ‘‘empty calories’’ on the nutrient density, energy intake and body mass index of elderly Danish nursing home residents. Design: The nutrient intake of 104 residents aged 83 (80–85) years was assessed using 4 day dietary records. Results: Twenty-seven (26%) residents had an intake of added sugars B10E%, 41 (39%) between 10 and 20E%, and 36 (35%) ]20E%. A significant decrease in nutrient density for dietary .fibre, vitamins A, D, E, thiamine, B6, folate and B12, and the minerals iron, zinc and iodine was observed as sugar concentration rose across the three groups. A negative relation was found between high levels of added sugars and intake of energy (pB0.05). Conclusions: A high intake of added sugars may adversely influence the intake of essential nutrients, and should be restricted in the diet of elderly nursing home residents, and be replaced by food and drinks with a high content of energy and micronutrients. Keywords: Empty calories, energy intake, micronutrients.


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How to Cite
Beck A. M. (2002). Added sugars and nutrient density in the diet of elderly Danish nursing home residents. Food & Nutrition Research, 68-72.