ILSI Brazil International Workshop on Functional Foods: a narrative review of the scientific evidence in the area of carbohydrates, microbiome, and health

  • Marie E. Latulippe International Life Sciences Institute, European Branch
  • Agnès Meheust International Life Sciences Institute, European Branch
  • Livia Augustin University of Toronto
  • David Benton
  • Premysl Bercik
  • Anne Birkett
  • Alison L. Eldridge
  • Joel Faintuch
  • Christian Hoffmann
  • Julie Miller Jones
  • Cyril Kendall
  • Franco Lajolo
  • Gabriela Perdigon
  • Pedro Antonio Prieto
  • Robert A. Rastall
  • John L. Sievenpiper
  • Joanne Slavin
  • Elizabete Wenzel de Menezes
Keywords: Fiber, gut health, prebiotic, glycemia, satiety, carbohydrates, weight, mood, cognition, fructose, biomarkers, functional food, microbiome


To stimulate discussion around the topic of ‘carbohydrates’ and health, the Brazilian branch of the International Life Sciences Institute held the 11th International Functional Foods Workshop (12 December 2011) in which consolidated knowledge and recent scientific advances specific to the relationship between carbohydrates and health were presented. As part of this meeting, several key points related to dietary fiber, glycemic response, fructose, and impacts on satiety, cognition, mood, and gut microbiota were realized: 1) there is a need for global harmonization of a science-based fiber definition; 2) low-glycemic index foods can be used to modulate the postprandial glycemic response and may affect diabetes and cardiovascular outcomes; 3) carbohydrate type may influence satiety and satiation; glycemic load and glycemic index show links to memory, mood, and concentration; 4) validated biomarkers are needed to demonstrate the known prebiotic effect of carbohydrates; 5) negative effects of fructose are not evident when human data are systematically reviewed; 6) new research indicates that diet strongly influences the microbiome; and 7) there is mounting evidence that the intestinal microbiota has the ability to impact the gutbrain axis. Overall, there is much promise for development of functional foods that impact the microbiome and other factors relevant to health, including glycemic response (glycemic index/glycemic load), satiety, mood, cognition, and weight management.

Keywords: fiber; gut health; prebiotic; glycemia; satiety; carbohydrates; weight; mood; cognition; fructose; biomarkers; functional food; microbiome

(Published: 7 February 2013)

Citation: Food & Nutrition Research 2013. 57: 19214 -


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How to Cite
Latulippe M. E., Meheust A., Augustin L., Benton D., Bercik P., Birkett A., Eldridge A. L., Faintuch J., Hoffmann C., Jones J. M., Kendall C., Lajolo F., Perdigon G., Prieto P. A., Rastall R. A., Sievenpiper J. L., Slavin J., & Wenzel de Menezes E. (2013). ILSI Brazil International Workshop on Functional Foods: a narrative review of the scientific evidence in the area of carbohydrates, microbiome, and health. Food & Nutrition Research.

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