Fysisk aktivitet - en del av sunda kostvanor. Leder arbetet av en Nordisk arbetsgrupp till aktioner?

  • Mikael Fogelholm


The present Nordic Nutrition Recommendations mainly regard physical activity as a part of daily energy expenditure. The health effects of adequate daily activity are covered only brie y and the potential synergism with a prudent diet is almost totally forgotten. A Nordic working group has suggested that the new Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (to be presented in 2004) should try to integrate physical activity as a natural part of healthy eating. This pioneering exercise is interesting and it is hoped that an integration of these two important lifestyles might even improve the acceptance and efficacy of the recommendations. In a way, the clearly longer history and tradition of nutrition recommendations may possibly be used to promote physical activity. The present atmosphere to include physical activity in nutrition recommendations seems to be good at least in Finland, where several recent statements, recommendations and action plans have included physical activ ity. Keywords: diet, physical activity, recommendations.


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How to Cite
Fogelholm M. (2002). Fysisk aktivitet - en del av sunda kostvanor. Leder arbetet av en Nordisk arbetsgrupp till aktioner?. Food & Nutrition Research, 97-99. https://doi.org/10.3402/fnr.v46i2.1442
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